Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sit a Spell for a Visit......

Fall brings us lots of clouds and very little sun.  When the sun does shine we all thinks its a better day. We have had to run our furnace at night to stay warmer than 65 degrees inside and then we have to turn on the air again to cool off Barney.

The falling of the leaves has begun but it isn’t that much of a problem yet.  The red maple has leaves that turn blackish in color. When adding another tree in the yard I had to think about the kind of leaf that will be falling.  I haven’t planted my tree yet.  Instead, I called the digging hot line to report that they may want to come out and spot all the power and telephone lines for me. I immediately got a scolding that I didn’t use the internet site but he wouldn’t let me hang up to go do so. I will have white flags when they come to make the lines.  I figure a couple of people in the neighborhood would be concerned if I didn’t call.  By Wednesday, I will have the markings to guide my work. Did I tell you that I got to pick the color of the flag? The man was difficult to understand as he exhibited not liking his job and he slurred all his words together.  I think at the end he told me to have a nice weekend.

One more project to put in line of jobs to do.  I don’t know where I ound this chair but it appears to be an oak chair.  The paint is mostly flaked off so the stripping of it should be less of a struggle. It will make a nice accent chair in any room of our house.  I may hire the seat to be caned. I almost gave this away to the local antique guy but he still hasn’t come to check out what I would give to him for free.

I don’t know how pressed designs are done in these old chairs but I would think oak would be hard to do.  I guess I could be wrong about the kind of wood but I will find out when I start to sand it.
The vine is going to strangle the sculpture. I am assuming the former owners had to cut this vine back every single year. The vine is coming up through the floor and I will find its source and cut it today. The deck looks like it needs a new coat of something to bring back a color.  The stain was on there long enough to get the place sold.

We really didn’t use the deck much this year.  It sits in the direct sun durning most of summer. Now there is a little bit of shade from the house eaves but it doesn’t seem like a very private place to sit with four or five houses sitting right behind and below us. I used it a lot to do the grilling of burgers and it is convenient being right off of the dining room and kitchen. We have thoughts of adding a sunroom there but that has not materialized.

The fireplace does work well to take a chill off of the house in the morning.  We are staying home today on such a gray looking day. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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