Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday’s Takes......

This was a surprise to see yesterday as the most of the plant looked finish from many blooms.  There must have been one last bud on the plant.  Dinner plate hibiscus is call that because it is the size of the dinner plate.

The moss rose has revived after I pulled it in from out in the sun. They were planted late in the season and yet I did get some good blooms on the plants. The double boiler pan is from the farm where I picked it up from the trash pile.  I think it had been driven over by a tractor or maybe they used it to water the horses and one of them stepped on it.  The pan is distorted in its shape.

One of the jack in the pulpit plants put out seed.  I remember seeing these at as a kid in the timbers in the fall. I probably have posted this before but I took a new photo that is in focus.

This rose bush really has done well as a bloomer.  It has put our blooms at the same pace as the knock out roses. I only have red roses right now so was looking for something with different colors.  They were all sold out.

I applied ceiling paint on the old house kitchen ceiling today.  It was the popcorn texture and it didn’t go on really well.  I had the real thick plush kind of roller and it really worked well with only one coat of paint.  The kitchen at the old house is basically done now except for the fine touches of new door handles and painting the kitchen door.

It rained so much up north of us that our lake had been filled up ten or more feet again.  On Friday it was at such a low depth and today I was shocked to see how much it had been filled in again.  It was thirty four feet above normal the last time but rains of the north must of been heavy.  While at the old house we did receive a down pour too two or more inches over the morning hours. It rained so hard at one time that I could not see the neighbors house and it caused all daylight to be gone.

Have a good Tuesday everyone.

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