Thursday, September 13, 2018

Cloudy Start to the Day.....

When the hurricanes hit the gulf or coastline, we do get different kinds of cloud formations.  This seem to be pretty normal though so I can call them anything but just clouds.

We did instantly head into high heat and humidity.  I had to water my zinnias today as they looked like they were almost dead.  I haven’t been watering because we had rain but it hasn’t rained for a while.

I did mow the back yard area today as the grass is all growing again. My neighbor had mowed yesterday so I needed to get rid of the ledge between our two yards.

It is really hard to find new material so I am not so boring.  I am working on that but here you go a strange show of my oldest sunflower. I have a couple of hummers that like to land on the top of it before they zoom in to the feeders.

Blurry photos of my gold fish seems to be a change of theme for me.  I bought a algae eater for this tank and he apparently died.  I bought a new one recently and I never see him.  The only clue that I know he is there as the glass is cleaned clear everywhere. I think he must live inside of the sunken ship decoration as some of them do go inside during the day.

The blurry shot of the koi shows that he is growing a lot from when I first bought him.  I had a koi once that grew to be ten inches long. This koi grows bigger mean I will have to buy a big tank again. I gave the last one away to a neighbor.

The foliage that I bought as a rescue is doing well down under the deck.  It is not an outstanding foliage but I like watching it grow.  There was a popular kind of plants out there years ago that were wide multicolored leafed, but this one is not one of them.

We are having now a very sunny day and the clouds are all gone. It will be a few hot days now which will be closer to our normal temperatures.

I thank you for your interest in my post today.

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