Wednesday, September 12, 2018


The rains are causing a mildew growth on the leaves of the zinnias and most of the flowers don’t look as good as these.

This summer’s weather has been wrong for the vining honey suckle.  It seem to go dormant and then after a few rains it did revive for some small spurts of blooms. The asparagus plant has spread out little as it gets ready for its first freeze.
The seeds are filling in making the heads of them get very large. I have some bird eating the seeds on the one side of a seed head. I have not seen anything that is eating on it but it taking seeds quickly. Last year it was a squirrel that devoured a half of head of seed.

My plant seems to look very natural in its new pot. It such a small sprout of three or four leaves on a stem when I first bought it a few years ago.

One of the boys made the plant stand base while they were in junior high shop. I have both of them and they get used a lot when I have an Asian looking pot.

I am late in my blogging post today so I will stop with a photo of color. The zinnia and marigolds have revived after a week of rain.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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