Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Digging for Good Stuff...

I bought a smaller bag os specially seed that is called " no waste seed.” It has other kinds of seed but no sunflower seeds. I looked at the bag just now and they did not list the kinds of see that is in it.  There is some dried fruit supposedly but not much of it. The first good bird that I had show was this one house finch.  The house finches were around all early spring but then they were gone.  This one is the first that I have seen in two months of more.

I do remember that these finches were around long enough to get their batch of young ones raised.  The young ones ate at the feeder for quite a while and then all were gone. This one house finch was a pleasant surprise.  I do think I saw one junco a day ago but they haven’t migrated down yet. I did see a blue bird this morning on our burning bush.  He didn’t hang around for any photo shots.
When the camera guy startles them, the sparrows fly over to the top of the nearby maple and just sit.  They usually fly back to the feeder once it seems to be safe to do so. I remember that the birds do this to wait their turn to get to the feeders. I was just reminded that I want to build a new tray feeder as my one from last year fell to its total destruction.  I can get more cardinals and bluejays with a tray feeder.

This tree didn’t follow its usual pattern of leaf changes. Instead of turning into a brighter color, it has started to just fade. I am not sure what kind of tree that it is but it did put out great color last year.
The neighbor to the northwest is a property with not trees on it.  The neighbor beyond though has planted in the spring this wonderful tall tree that will give a fall show of color. I am assuming that it is some kind of maple. They planted trees in the front yard too as well as had some stone wall landscaping around and down the side of their house. I think my new tree I planted a few weeks ago will have yellow leaves before they die and fall.  I guess I didn’t research that as I just wanted the flowering redbud for a spring tree.

This picture reminds me of my son and grandson on factetime last night.  They had picked the last of their cherry tomatoes and they sat in the bowl on the table while they talked to  us.  The oldest grandson was going through them to find one to eat.  So it is like father, like son, like grandson.  They too were clearing their tomato plants just as I had done. The oldest grandson wants to grow his own pumpkins nest spring and there sat a bowl of seeds from the pumpkin they had just cleaned out.

On my day of rest I succeeded getting the whole yard mowed.  I also had some sod to place in spots up on the front yard.  I took a Coke break in the middle of it with my wife so I could get the job finished. I will take the afternoon off and get some rest.

We are cold but a warm jacket and stocking cap can make working outside possible. The fall weather is so erratic as we go from hot one day and cold the next.  Everyone have a good day and thanks for stopping in to see my post.

1 comment:

  1. We are supposed to be over 50 brace yourself! Those tomatoes look good to me!
