Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Flower Power......

The blooms are late this year but they will be a show stopper for sure. I was out in my stocking feet to get this shot, balancing on the stone ledge to not walk on the grass. I got some good shots and also had pleasant visitors walking by with there white Scottie. I had not seen them coming up the sidewalk so I was doing some antics trying not to fall off the stone ledge. When you get older, you can do what you want, and they can just think what they want.

 I have one lone petunia blooming right now.  It is too cold for it to be doing that but there it is. I had to walk in the grass to get that shot.
While others were mowing their yards on both sides of me, I chose to take out the dead tomato vines. It looks like the zinnias will last for quite a while in the cool weather. I will wait awhile to do the zinnias at least until there is a hard freeze. It will be easier then.  Marigolds are too much alive to take them out also.

The knock out roses are almost gone.  I will try to trim them low for winter.  They have buds on them so I may have a few more blooms through this month. I was out of my mind when I bought some more tulips.  I will force myself to get them in the ground. I found a bag of Rembrandt tulips that I really wanted to buy but they had 40 bulbs in the bag. I could do it if I tilled a row some where to make a place for them but it probably is to late for me to get that job done. I have an unwritten list that is a mile long right now.
A scene of progress is in view.  My battery on my drill kept running down so I have a lot of floor put down but it hasn’t been screwed down.  The things you see here are temporaily placed as I was seeing how much more plywood sheets that I needed. I couldn’t buy all that I needed as they didn’t have enough stocked on the shelf.  I have to go back to get two more sheets. The photo is taken in the dining room looking into the new level floor start.

My neighbor lady who mows the yard for me weekly was there today.  I gave her permission to go ahead and mow off the peonies.  Winter snow collects around them and things can be neater looking as they are removed. Leaves that she can mow easier or maybe the leaves will just keep blowing down the street to the ditch.

I hope all of you are having a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those yard blooms are looking lovely despite the snow you recently got, Larry.

  2. What pretty Mums! A white Scottie I think that is called a Westhighland terrier...they are cool dogs:)
