Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Fall has Arrived.....

The river birch across the street is turning into many nice fall  colors. I like my birch at our old place but this is a good tradeoff.  The Minnesota birch doesn’t have leaves on it now as theydroppes last week.  The river birch are loosing their lives at a slow pace but that makes them start around longer.

We don’t have a lot of bikers on the sidewalks but you can see a couple of people coasting down the hill. The curve of the road and sidewalk does make for a pleasant view. You can see there are a couple more trees with good fall leafed trees.

The mums next to the garage door are finally all in bloom. I didn’t water them and now I look back thinking I should have done so for a while to get them to bloom faster.

The three other mum plants are a little slower at blooming but by Friday they should all be out completely.  I think some rain will help the later this week. My knock out roses have a few buds to open agin before it snows.

The knock outs seem to be more care than I like but they do show well if I just keep them trimmed back after each session of blooms.

It has been a nice day today with good sunshine and no wind.  I need to load my truck up with garden scraps today to take to the dump tomorrow.  I hope it isn’t raining so much that I can get it unloaded. Thanks for stopping by today.  Take care everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy seeing the Birch trees turn their leaves.
    Your mum's are such a vivid shade of red, so pretty !
