Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday’s Agenda...

The river birch is doing well without me.  It grows at the old place.  The neighbors have illegal chickens now for some reason and while out there you can hear the rooster crow.  We have been calling the old place the farm so now it really is closer to being the farm. It is a place with a farmhouse originally and also had a barn with horses or a cow.  The land around the house was sold out to make houses in the area.

I was surprised to see a stalk of phlox was blooming at the old place.  I have seen things like this with plants but why this phlox decided to flower now is hard to understand.  Nothing else in the gardens is blooming now.

I shared this photo on my Photo a Day blog sharing how the Sunday night frost did take out the marigolds. I like the patterns of light on the yard from the neighbor’s fence.

Nest to the curved of our sidewalk I had dead grass issues.  I planted hardy geraniums and mulch to kind of clean up the area.  Not the frost has taken out the plants.  I am leaning on the idea o planting tulips here now and then replant geraniums or whatever.

I have decided to take the sunflowers down today.  I hate that summer is over but if the weather is good then I should take them down today.  We should have a lot more fall though as my front yard trees have not dropped leaves yet. Weather though is not consistent and really is not predictable.  I hope I can clear things so that I can ship the waste in my truck up to the small town dumpsite where they burn it for me.

We do have sunshine today and it should be a good day.  I hope all are well out there. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It was always signalling the definite end of summer, Larry, when we had to oull out the sunflower stalks in the garden. I removed the seeds from the heads and they provided the birds with snacks. We have some leaf turning here, but still green as well and no first snow...yet.

  2. You must have had cold temps, we had frost this morning. Your River Birch at the old place is so pretty! :)
