Sunday, October 7, 2018

Falling into Winter......

The red twig dogwood does have its leaves changing colors. I had forgotten that they do turn red.  My burning bush has not started to change as it is the one that turns completely red.

Mixing this small zinnia in with the marigolds is a winner look. I think when I tried it last year I was just experimenting but this summer I went with it again. Until we have a hard freeze these will be blooming all fall.

I have decided to start putting out the wild bird seed again.  The birds can’t mess with my neighbor’s vegetable garden because it has been cleared. While trying to find the seed and  not finding any, I looked out to see one lone goldfinch enjoying some seed. This is the first year where I noticed how scruffy they become in the fall.

I will find my wild birdseed as I know it is on the other side of my Tundra truck. I just couldn’t get to the side unless I opened the garage door.  It was late evening and cold so I just didn’t open the door. I can do that this afternoon. I am thinking our fall weather is being cut short with all the cold, rain, and wind. I am hoping it flips back to more normal fall weather as I have a lot to things that I need to get done.  I do see we have normal temperatures Monday and Tuesday but then we go back to cold air.

I have taken a lot of shots of my miniature roses but the begonia is looking great right now.  I don’t know that it should let it get so cold but I do know I can yank it inside in an instant when it drops to dangerous cold. I will grow it inside this winter so I don’t want it to die before I bring it in.

I am using the few blooms still intact as an excuse not to clear them.  I could pick a bouquet and then clear them but I like having to put it off for now.  We are foggy and cold this morning but I do think we will warm up a little. We are suppose to be in the 70s tomorrow so some warming should happen today.

I hope all are doing well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Downright cold here, and no sunshine either. Dreary days ...that Zinnia is just perfect! :)
