Saturday, October 6, 2018


One of our richer neighbors to the west has a large pond.  Yesterday as we drove by the area the lake was filled with Canadian geese. The pond is moss covered and as the wind blows so goes the moss to the side of the lake.  A crane stops in often and a mallard duck and partner are there sometimes.

The sunflowers are taking on a sculptural form that reminds me of a famous sculpture of skinny people standing on a platform looking down.  The transplanted peony is yellow now and the new white mum looks healthy.  You can’t see the dozen of globe allium bulbs planted ready for spring. I have a few new transplants of dallies that I am looking forward to see next spring. They are small now but they will be be blooming large next year too.

The old sunflowers will have to be removed but on a good day when my body is strong and rested. Their root structure is large and has to be dug out of the ground.  The root system is why they stay vertical through of all the wind storms.

The gourds have a great sculptural form also.  I may have to deliberate plant some variety of them next year just for the fun of it.

It is a bookstore day.  Barney sleeps thorough the morning anyway so we don’t have to worry about us being gone. He has really slowed down a lot the past few months.  His eyesight is hindering most things he does but he does lean on his sense of smell to know where he is.  We didn’t bookstore last week as his visit to the vet set him back physically and we needed to keep an eye on him.

Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Barneys vet visit went okay...I know how we felt about leaving Chance and we took turns when he wasn't well.
    Love your gourds and your sunflowers! :)
