Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Middle of the Week.....

I have called them a Brandford pear.  That was popular for many businesses and housing developments.  I looked this up and it is really a “callery” pear tree.  In the fall there are small round fruits on the tree.  The birds like them.  My bradtford pear at the old place never quite grew like this one. There was not any fruit on that tree.

The locust tree is losing its form of leaves quickly now. One can see through the locust to see my two trees.

I will be raking leaves by next week. I remember that all these leaves fit in my truck and I can take them to the landfill. I really like the colors of the leaves and they seem to be more richer than a maple leaf.

We had a busy night at our door, as the masked bandits came to our door. We had one dinosaur and many princesses. The costumes were fun and most of the kids were very nice.  A few older kids had attitude but I have been around kids for decades and they don’t fool me.  The older ones seemed to be a little bothered that they were doing it but I can make them feel better about it. The one older girl was wearing cut off jeans, fishnet like hose, and funny shoes.  She had lots of make up to look like a hooker but she was wearing a University of Iowa sweatshirt.  I said go Iowa and that broke her attitude spell.  I do think the kids are a littleoff by having an old man at the door, as most of the neighborhood are not grandparent ages.  The three old people houses in our area had their houses all blacked out so no one could go to their doors. It is a time commitment of two hours and I am glad it is only once a year.  We taped the show we wanted to watch and viewed it at eight o’clock.

One last outdoor shot of these as they are headed to the basement today.  I don’t want to  wait and have one or both get frozen over.  The rose would survive but the begonia would be destroyed in a freeze.

I am resting up today from my job of unloading ten sheets of drywall yesterday.  I won’t return until Friday so I can get back onto that project.

I hope everyone is doing well today. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You should have at least two days off after drywall it is so heavy:(
