Thursday, November 1, 2018

Feeding the Birds.....

Some of the sparrows do look like bandits.  I filled the feeder again and the flock came to eat. I shared how I had bought a more expensive seed to feed with my cheaper seed. You can see the seed above the cheaper stuff in the transparent tube.

The sparrows are easily spooked so I have to sneak around the wall to a small window spot to catch them with the camera. I think all six spots were filled at the time that I took this with two of them not being in view. I would like to see some different kinds of birds here and I know that I will.  I did see a junco out on the deck picking up loose seed fallen from the feeder.

The backyard leaves had turned to red but now the dominate color is this great yellow.  I have a few leaves to rake but I will wait for a few more days for them to fall.  I might spade these into the vegetable garden soil. The angel boy is holding his own out there across the way.

My new redbud tree worried me a little as I had forgotten to water so much after it was planted.  But I have really worked at watering now and I see that it is still alive. The few leaves on it are turning into nice colors and the shrub is also changing colors.
I wanted to plant something else with these two but it didn’t get done.  I suppose I  could transplant a peony into the arrangement.  I will have to dig one at the old place if I do that as I want it to be a free plant. A yucca would look good there too but I will see what I can get dug.

Off the deck we have a good view of the neighbors to evergreens and the other neighbors leafed trees. Our blue spruce bends in with these two making us have something more like a forest. I really enjoy the view of the different fences and we get to enjoy the neighbor’s well groomed grass.

The vine from below continues to close in on the sculpture.  I will get that vine trimmed from underneath the next few days. The mother source plant will need to be trimmed back severely this fall or I will have the big job to do in the spring.  I do like the vine but it really controls me a lot. You can see behind the encroaching main plant behind the sculpture.
We had breakfast out this morning with an old friend and his son.  Norm and his wife Heidi moved to New Mexico at the same time we moved to our new house. It was fun to get caught up on all that they are doing in Carlisbad.  He got a very good job there working for the booming oil and natural gas industry.  Moving from a very green state to a dusty sandy state has been a challenge for them and their five children.  They are doing well, raising chickens. and living on the edge of town. The children have grown so fast as the young boy with Norm, Isaiah, was already my height.  That doesn’t seem unusual but his father is from the Philippines so he had a good chance of being short.  They were making mad dashes around visiting people before they head back to the south. We enjoyed our time with them.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all are well.

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