Sunday, October 14, 2018

Murder in the Back Yard.....

Today I share what else is hanging around in my backyard.   I know that they have to eat and they are designed to eat small rodents and birds.  I just don’t want to watch this thing.  I think I further understand why some people don’t like the bald eagle so much as the take out all of the birds in one  nest. I think I shared a few weeks ago that I saw a bald eagle feeding on some road kill along the road while going to the old place.  My truck scared him away but I am sure he returned.This guy is eating one of my birds that I lured to my bird feeder.

It has snow all afternoon.  I had to take Barney out in it and we didn’t have much trouble. The snow did coat the dog and I had to hold my collar tight as the goose feather sized snow was going down the back of my neck.

The feeder did get filled again during the snow and the sparrow knows to be on the side, opposite of the wind.  It has been a long day and I am glad to finally have finished this blog.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sorry that the hawk has taken up residence near your feeder for his meals, Yes, I also know about the "cycle of life" with things being dinner for others, still it's upsetting. When we lived in VA, I saw the remains of a female cardinal which had been attacked by a hawk in our yard. Yikes on the snow already. I want fall to continue longer, but we have frost warnings in parts of NH this week. Hope you have a better week ahead.

  2. We have Hawks that swoop in sometimes...sometimes they are lucky and sometimes not. I hope you enjoyed the snow I sent! :)
