Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday Moments in my Mind...

I grew the sunflowers for our enjoyment.  We could watch them in all their development. Now the plants are suppling us a place for the circus animals to perform.  He fills up his pouches and slowly descends the tall stem and crawls away headed for his home a few blocks away.  There are large trees that surround our borders of southwest corner of the town.  I mentioned to my wife that we should buy a house down the street at the bottom of the hill.  They have full grown trees that line their backyards the whole five or six block.  Now they have very expensive houses sitting beyond that row of trees.

The town at the old place took away two of my large trees but I still have squirrels living in my one that remains, a silver maple. I can hear him running across the roof of the house when I am up there working.  This guy in our new backyard seems to be my only squirrel but there may be two of them and only one comes at time.

I brought the miniature roses into the dining room during the frost threat.  This little bud went ahead and showed itself under the shelter of the house and heat. I am thinking that I will keep them downstairs in front of sliding glass door in the walk out basement.

 It is crowded in front of the basement window already but I have some plans to consolidate some of the plants into larger pots.  I saw a book about sansivera plants and they had planted some creative grouping of them in interesting, large, unusual pots.

Two of these goldfinches were sitting out in the sun.  I learned that some migrate further south and some do not.  I think the two birds were young ones and they didn’t know what to do but to get warmed in the sun.

I still have not heard from a Georgia blog friend to know how they fared in the storms. Others in Florida are doing fine.  Thanks for stopping in today. Have a good Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I have not heard from Mildred either. I sent her an email but got no reply. Your squirrels are as athletic as ours:)
