Thursday, October 11, 2018

Today is Thursday...

A still life of green tomatoes is showing as they were brought in last night.  We are getting so cold that they won’t grow much now.  It will be interesting to see if I can get reddish tomatoes from them.

I am bringing in plants too.  I won’t place them anywhere permanently as they could go back outside again.  They seem really healthy and will get watered while they are inside.

The cold air also encourages the birds to come to the feeder.  I filled it two days ago and you can see the level of the seed now.  So far all I have is sparrows.

Below the deck everything is still very green.  The morning glories are blooming slower these days as they don’t lie the cold air. The turtle will be coming inside pretty soon. It almost looks tropical but the high is 47 degrees today so it isn’t that jungle like for sure. My one neighbor is out in the cold mowing his yard today.  I won’t be doing that.

I hope all are doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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