Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday’s Wonders...

I stopped for coffee at the Casey’s General Store at the old town with our old house. I grabbed the cellphone and snapped what I saw.  The corn is beyond time to being picked.  The problem is that it rains almost everyday.  There are a lot of fields of corn and soybeans that will be picked when it warms up or freezes.

The green grass is there also because we have had no lacking of moisture.  In a town eight miles west of here they had a tornado go through a part of their town. We had many tornadoes in Iowa these past few days. Our sirens went off last night but is dwindled down to a storm by the time it reached us. I would have loved to go over and pick one of those ears of corn to see what it looks like but that is called stealing. I really have not heard as to how good the harvest is for both corn or beans.
I like seeing birds out eating at the feeders again.  I know they are only sparrows but they are fun to watch.  Maybe the fancier birds will start to feed once the see and hear the activity at the deck.

Working on an old house gives the person a chance to find good and bad things.  Off our dining room at the old house was a room that was previously used as a bedroom.  We used it as a bedroom for the seven years when my father-in-law lived with us.  It was a play room for the boys otherwise. The room was a good size and I am certain that the man who owned the house used it as his bedroom as he was in a wheel chair.

Today I decided to get rid of the layers of two carpets that were on this floor.  I was happy to see what was under some of it and very sad about the rest. First I must say back in the 60s the bedroom was created from a porch which had been enlarged by three or four feet eastward. When they did the enlargement, they laid an oak floor in the room.  Apparently the addition, when finished had a lot of roof problems and water had destroyed that floor on fifty percent of it.  The guy who bought the house to flip it and sell it to me, covered this with a yellow shag carpet. I would have never known nor would it have been salvageable.

The original floor where there was no water damage was beautiful. Now I am going to have to cover it all up with a new floor. Fortunately the floor was left at its porch level so there was a step down to go into the room.  With my new floor I will make it level with the dining room and there will be not step down. I will share photos as this remodel is done.  I am excited that I can put it good condition before I sell it.

The flower ended up not being in perfect focus but I liked how it looks like it is looking out the the back yard garden.

No yard work this afternoon as it is cold and wet.   We had a two inch rain the past days and now it is too cold to be out there.

As our stock market takes a dive and all of the east coast is treated by storms, I hope everyone is alright.  I have blogger friends in Georgia that I am very concerned for hoping that they can withstand the weather.  I am not sure flooding will be their problem as they live is the hilly part of northern Georgia.  Everyone take care out there and thanks for stopping by today.

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