Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Cactus......and More......

While doing some last minute shopping for tomorrow I found this plant.  I am being told by many that they really are a Thanksgiving cactus.   Even so I have call them a Christmas cactus most of my life. I didn’t buy one already in bloom as I want to watch it bloom through the two holiday seasons.

While shopping at our newly remodeled Wally mart, we picked up some different things for the boys to play with.  They will be toys that can stay in our house for them to play with while visiting us. The ABC book is an oldie that my wife pulled off the shelf to have for the youngest grandson.  Teddy the younger,  is two and half years old and we are anxious to see how much he has changed since he was last here. We found a new block set that might be more interesting than all the old ones that we have. Just in case you haven’t been reading my blog very carefully, Teddy will get a new baby brother or sister for his birthday in April. We are so happy about that. We thought we were going to holding on the number of two grandchildren for forever.

This is a winter project that I have laying in the back of the truck. I made this for my garden shed at the old place.  It has to be 15 years old or more.  I didn’t have the right kind of wood so the base of it was all rotted out.  A strong wind storm should have taken it down but it didn’t.  Don’t tell my wife that I was up on the roof to get this down.  I had parts that did have to be pried off and then I lowered the cupola by rope to the ground. It wasn’t a pretty sight but I did get it down. The lower part of OSB wood had rotted through and I could break that off before lowering it.  It made it to be lighter in weight.  What I like about it is the roof section with its tight fitting shingles. I will probable rebuild the rest of it with a better plywood.

I dug through a lot of photos but I did find the piece that rested on the top of the shed for a lot of years.  I am going to turn it into a garden ornament among the cottage garden of flowers.  It will replace the one my dad had made thirty years ago and it has seen better days. I was avoiding tearing that old one apart but I can do it now with out any regrets.  My dad has been gone 18 years now and I can’t keep everything. It was poorly made out of scrap wood.  I guess that is where I get that practice as that is how I made my bird feeder using only scrap wood.

As I was digging through old photos I did also see this piece.  I just won’t bring it to the house even though I am tempted. I will leave for the future owner to enjoy.  I would like to build another on for my pole here at the new place.

We are getting ready for company now with the family arriving Thanksgiving afternoon.  We have lots of food to share and my wife is making an apple pie this afternoon.  Company is a good way to get the house cleaned and we are getting it done.  I hope everyone will have a good holiday.  Some will have simple quiet days at home and others will travel to large family get togethers.  In any way it works I hope that it is a day of resting and enjoying a day that reminds us all to be very thankful for all God does for us.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your boys will like the new toys! Yes I am excited for their new sibling too! I don't see any more Great Grandchildren in our future but you never know:)
