Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving... Today!

A hundred years ago the farmers picked their corn by hand.  It was a slow difficult job with time being the major part of job. The full harvest moon would help them to work later in the evening if they were not finished with their picking. This moon was in full view early in the evening with a purple haze of clouds in front of it.  By the time I made it to my deck the lavender clouds were gone. When the camera focuses on the moon it ignores the background other than it knows if it is daylight or dark. With a day moon I can get a blue background.

It is amazing as to how fast the moon changes in shape as it makes its different phases.  I got a shot of it in this half size and then the clouds moved in every night after that for a few weeks, so I missed its three quarters phase.
I will feed the birds this morning so they too will have a lot to eat. We will be having our Thanksgiving meal this evening as our guests from the Chicago will arrive this afternoon. We are anxious to see all four of them. I was thinking we need to put up a growth chart to mark each time they young boys visit.  The oldest grandson is tall like his father.

The amaryllis is showing off for us with six of its eight blooms now in view. I keep thinking I need to brace the stems but it is holding its own. They sell these with such a small pot, just enough to hold the bulb, so it seems it could get top heavy.

Barney got two haircuts to get him ready for company.  He was laying on one side so still last night that I started brushing him.  I cut his hair at the same time as he was relaxed and he did let me cut off the excess growth of fur.  I took him outside after I got the first half cut. He looked very lopsided as only the one half was cut. When he came back in he laid down on the opposite side so I finished the job. Since he is older he does cooperate.  A few years ago he would have had that border collie energy that made him want to get up and run away in the middle of a brushing.

We have a big meal planned for our  Thanksgiving meal.  My wife has the pie made and is working on the green bean casserole. We will have the big turkey and all the fixings.  I bet we will have left overs for a few days.  I wish all of you to have a great day of Thanksgiving no matter of where you are and what you are doing.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Larry! My best to you and Della and you can add groomer to your list of talents! Pat Barney for me. Enjoy your company!! Yes do a growth chart for the boys...I used a pantry doorway for our grandsons and kept making marks with a pencil and the date! :)

  2. Belated Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family, Larry. From reading your post, it sounds like you are ready for the family to arrive. We are also spending the holiday with family but we will be doing the travel.
