Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday is Here....

Thursday evening looked stormy but only a sprinkle of rain came from this. This Friday morning was worse as there were too many clouds to get a sky picture.

This afternoon seems to be pleasant but the clouds are having a hard time to get a specific formation.   I drove to the old place this morning and worked on applying new drywall on the walls.  It seems to always be a challenge but I will be happy with how that room will look with all new walls. No popcorn surface treatment. My goals are good but the time element seems to always be interrupted.  I had a visitor today so I lost time when I could have been working. My person who has mowed the law all summer at the old place will mulch all the leaves until they are all gone  I offered to truck some to the dump but she likes mowing.  My leaves in the front yard at the new place still have not dropped. I guess when they do I can expect snow to start.

I wish you all to have a great day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That dark sky surely says rain, and looks so wintery !
    I love the colors of the bush, so cheery :)
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Larry.

  2. Such a pretty Euonymous. Mine was a poor show this year so it is fun to see yours:)
