Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday’s Features......

I guess this is my daily report for the cause of the amaryllis. I thinks that we will soon see a bloom. I have the plant pressed up against the window so the buds don’t cause he stem to bend down. I was going to stake it but this seems to work better,

Up the street is this larger than life Greenbay Packer. He usually isn’t inflated during the weekday but here he is big as life on Thursday.

The rules are for me to build this with all scrap, leftover, wood pieces. A minimal of cutting can happen but I would rather not make a sawdust mess.  I did have to shorten the length of two pieces of lathe but everything else was just put into the feeder where the pieces would fit.  I did use new wood screws and nails.  The feeders don’t last long for me when they get dropped down a full story height to the ground.  Squirrel friend can cause that to happen so this afternoon I will get my drill and place some screws into the saddle attaching it to the railing.

While I was gone today my wife got a good picture of the squirrel siting under the roof helping himself to all the sunflower seeds. I did see one junco on the feeder today but I guess the birds need to get use to the Lincoln Memorial roof. Actually it is more like a pagoda but the birds don’t know much about architecture.

All of the walls have drywall on them.  There are some pretty shaggy areas that I have to work my magic on with the seams and nail holes.  Some of the pieces just didn’t make the best fit, but I can clean it up with a trowel and mud. I think it will take one of my four hours sessions to get things sealed up but I may have to do two sessions as the mudding seems to take longer than one would think. I have some electric outlets that didn’t quite match so I will be patching pieces and soothing things out.

The moon is rising in the day time right now. The earth’s tilt screws up our ability to view it.  It is visible in the day but around evening it is setting low in the horizon.  I have to look at it though my neighbor’s trees and house roofs.

It is Friday and a good time to settle down for a quiet afternoon.  We are due some snowfall in the late evening.  If we are having winter temperatures we just as well have snow too.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for no more drywall to put on the walls! Yeah for a bird feeder with a roof:)
