Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday’s Things...

It is cold and clear this morning.  I did see two jet vapor trails being made earlier in the morning but nothing else in the sky.

I am on my second cup of coffee this morning as the birds are crowding around the feeder. It is bright sun so the birds could feel a little warmth from that.

The amaryllis appears to be taller than they normally are. It was only a foliage plant last year but that helped to build the energy up to help it put out buds this year.  I had it in the basement in the dark most of the summer. It is a bad deal to buy one of these and no get any blooms. It makes me wonder what they did wrong to gives us a dead bulb.

The head has a lot of multiple buds for at least three blooms on just the one stem.  I am thinking this will be a red flower but we will all wait and see.

I will go back on Friday to get this job almost done.  I will have to play with the trowel and mud to get all the seams and nail holes filled in to a smooth surface.  This corner is all I have left to do. It will be a magical cut and I will have all the walls covered.  I still have a space above the door to cover and above and below the big window. They will be long and narrow pieces with some seam connections needing to be created. I bought two more full pieces of gypsum yesterday and I think I will have used 12 pieces in all.  I may have major scraps but  I am fine with that as the larger pieces used help to make the job easier. The jury is still out on what I am going to do with the ceiling.

This is a photo that I started to crop for the birds to be the only things viewed in the shot.  I like the vertical slice of the world here with the sky showing along with the floor of the deck.

I have a few chores to do today and a day for resting from yesterday’s work. I may be working with wood today to make something for the outdoor birds I wish everyone to have a good day. Thanks to you all the check in on my blog. I check my stats and I do see there are many of you out there reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Your amaryllis is going to be beautiful! Good to hear you are taking a day off to build a bird feeder I suppose:)
