Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday Afternoon....

The dog will be catching up on his sleep for a few more days.  He doesn’t get all of his naps in with the young ones are around.  They like petting him and he does like it. He gets nervous when the youngest one wants to pull on his leg.

While we were awaiting a snow storm we were getting these cloud formations in the sky.  We  didn’t get the snow storm but we still had the cold air that roared down form the north.

That cold air blasting down our way did make the clouds to develop strange shapes.

This morning we had a sense of a colorful sunrise but the clouds moved out quickly.

The wind blew the squirrels tail back and forth while he was working at getting as much seed as possible.

Saturday afternoon was pretty mild so we had men on roof tops everywhere.  I zoomed in on this brave soul as he scaled up and dow the roof. The whole family was working hard to get this all done. Another neighbor earlier was doing an acrobat act in his back yard.  He would climb from one roof to another until get to his different roof edges. We won’t see his lights as we look at his back side of the house.

I hope everyone is having a great day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Barney catches up on his naps...and you too! Down right chilly here...raw wind:(
