Saturday, November 24, 2018

Visitors are Gone........

The house is quiet again as the two grandsons are on the trail to their home with their parents. We had breakfast out before they left and then we said our goodbyes.

AJ played with the legos most of the time he was here. He like the new or different sets of block that we have here. He has really grown up and such creative work as he creates things.
Teddy charms us all as he uses his smile to help with his request for grapes or chips. The weather was good for their travel home.  We hope they have a safe journey. It has been a fun visit for us.  Barmy is exhausted now from all of his loving pats from the boys. He will catch up on his naps now that he missed while they visited.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. What cuties they are and growing so tall! Love Teddy's smile:)
