Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday’s Things.....

My work is going slowly like at a snail’s pace.  It does take me twenty minutes to get there and than I pay the water bill and get the mail. I finally get started hanging more drywall and then the company, neighbor, stops to talk. I am not an unfriendly person but this has happened twice this week. The wall to the right is all done.  The wall with the little window has not seen anything attached to it. The window was put in when my father-in-law was living with us.  I put it in quickly and then put large trim boards on it to cover up all the old window stuff that was showing. Both windows are trimmed up this way with the natural pine which I think I will paint. The newer windows made the room a lot more comfortable temperature-wise.

I do only work half days as the work is heavy lifting. If I  had not had visitors the two different times, I am assuming I would have had at least two more panels hung and then some.  Anyway, I do like people and I would not tell them to go away. I will get the room finished next week if I park my truck up the street and walk down to the house. Since I am not on a schedule and supposedly I am retired I will not lose sleep over it.

The locust tree has a different kind of leaf.  The stem holds all of the leaves and the stem sheds from the tree in the late fall.  There are a few of the individual leaves that do fall but to the most part they fall with the stems. I really like the shine of the leaves that the decorative pear trees have. Those leaves have not fallen yet but after our hard freeze in the next few days, I bet they fall quickly.

The burning bush is almost bare now with berries left for the birds to eat. The leaves seemed really redder this year than last.

There is an oak tree up the street somewhere as the leaves keep being blown down the hill to our yard.

The weather is really going to turn cold these next few days. A hard freeze will start the winter weather cycle.  I believe we will have snow tonight. Our son is flying in from Maine on Friday evening.  He and old college buddies are going to a football game at Iowa State on Saturday. It will be like a college reunion for them but it will be the coldest game ever for anyone to sit through. It will be nice to see him.

I am done writing for today.  We had a family friend die this past week and I do want to share her life’s story.  I will wait until I am in just the right mood.  She was 89 and was from the Cities of Minnesota. I hope all are doing well out there. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your family friend. Always hard to lose a friend.
    Your project is coming along. Perhaps you could talk to that neighbor while working...maybe they would help!
    Yes it is cold here barely above zero so brace yourself:)
