Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday’s Wanderings....

I had thought that I had seen a junco the other day.  I did see one for sure today with photographic evidence. The migrate south in the winter to better bird feeders, I guess. I haven seen a lot  year but when the wind and snow starts to really hit in the north, they will be here.

This one bird looks back at me as if he is in a state of glee.  The spilled seed on the table is the really special stuff that I hope would bring in the cardinals and blue jays.  Junco birds do like that specialty seed also.

The lily seems to like the cold weather as its foliage hangs around late into the fall.  This week’s freezing temperature at night will take it down soon.  Which ever variety that it is, this is doing better than the common daylily. My neighbors dallies right near here are all showing dead leaves which could be trimmed back by now.
Learning as I go with these "knock out”,  I believe I should get them trimmed down while it it stinking cold out there. I am assuming that if they are trimmed down that I will get earlier blooms when it warms up in the spring.  If I can get to it before the end of November, I will do it. When the temps get to 17 degrees F. I am sure these roses will go away.  They are tough but not that tough.

I was looking back a year to see what feeders that I had.  I need to make a new tray feeder as my last years self-designed one dropped to the ground with a squirrel on it.  Squirrels do not get hurt in that kind of fall but the feeder sure does.  The one shown here also has been found in anther tree in the tree further out from the yard.  I could actually start using that and not make a new one.  I remember cardinals and blue jays could stand on those ledges to eat.  I have not filled it all summer but I will do so to put it back into use on the deck. This is last year’s photo and we don’t have snow just yet.

While digging back in the past I found this box of old things along with sleigh bells.  Maybe this is the year to get them polished up again. The polish well but then do dull out with their being in plain air.  The brass that they are made from just doesn’t hold its shine. I remember that I had lost this box in my shelving a few years back. I do know where they are now in storage in the newer home.

It is very cold this morning.  Going out with Barney is very painful.  I may have to start wearing my warmups on top of blue jeans to stay warm.  The wind chills are bad coming from the north. It is Wednesday and I hope you have a great one.  Thanks for checking in on my post today.

1 comment:

  1. Raw cold wind here today and snowing. No Juncos here they must be at your place:)
