Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tuesday’s Things...

My ornamental pear tree is dropping many colorful leaves.  It is more colorful this year than last. I like the natural shine on the leaves and they do go from green to yellow to dark red.

One or two burning bush leaves are in the mix.  The leaves have not shed enough for me to rake them but I am sure when we start to get really cold that they will come down quickly.  It is fun to go out with Barney now as I can look for good leaves with good colors.

The main road into this development required the street to be lined with these kinds of trees.  I drove down it today to see who all had obeyed the suggestion and many of the properties all have at least two of these trees like I do.  Some even had larger lots with five of them in the row.  I like how the blossoms are so nice in the spring and the colors of them in the fall are really great color. Our development addition a few years later after the original one, made suggestions and didm’ make people to fell required to follow it.  Our street doesn’t have many of these trees.  Others have added different good trees along the way.  Both of my neighbors took their trees down.

While visiting shops that sell souvenirs in Minnesota, there are always a few prints from older timed artist.  I remember seeing that their trees were all painted in this particular style the the sedum reminds me.  If you could imagine trees in a painting with trees, they would look like these stems of sedum. Te could be a lot like a bonsai tree.

Our one squirrel travelled to our house to help himself to the seed. He walks the length of many fence tops to get to our house.  I think he lives in one of the silver maples way down the street.  There were two or three squirrels last fall but I am only seeing one this year. The squirrel has to be living in one of the bigger trees which now have no leaves.

When I look through under our deck stairs I can see the vine that covers the crosshatched panels.  As the weather gets colder the leaves have thinned and the wood pattern can be seen.  It is magical with the light shinning through with the line patter being dark.  I am thinking I will still have time to cut back the vine but I will wait for it to warm up a little.

The vine continues to invade but I will shut it down soon.  I know that it won’t do harm but it will look bad when the snow starts to fall.  Snow may be visiting us in a day or two.  I am not happy about that.  Our fall has been too short. We will be said to start on Friday and the temps of freezing will definitely start tonight.

I am headed to the old place this morning to hang some more dry wall.  I have physically rested four days from the last time I worked with the dry wall.  I only have two pieces hung right now out of the ten that I purchased.  My goal is to hang at least four morn today.  I will have to warm up the house when I get there and then I can start work.

I hope everyone is good today.  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty leaves! Hop you get some of your drywall hung today, as I recall it is really heavy. Then you will have to rest...it snowed here the ground is white:(
