Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday’s Wandering........

A couple of weeks ago I was remarking to myself that all the crops were harvested.  Then while working at the old place I discovered this corn field that is not picked.

The weathered did get better so the combines could get back into the field after a long wet spell.  I took these photos on my wife’s cell phone and sort of lost them.

So returning to the same spot at a quick trip filling station, this is what I did see.  Seeing the picked field reminded me that I had taken photos to share over a week ago.

A few years back a guy was driving by early morning and saw a mountain lion in the wooded area. He said it was chasing a rabbit trying to catch it. The area of timber does connect to wet ditches that eventually connect to a river west of this spot.  The cats seem to follow the rivers as they can get fish from the river and small animals too.

The leaning towers really do not lean.  The silos were used for silage which was used to feed cattle.  I think that the markets were bad back when I first moved to this town and those silos have not been in use for 40 years. The site is just on the edge of town.

I lost my zebra finch bird a few days ago.  I was surprised just because he has been around for a long time.  While looking up info on them I see that he could have lived up to 15 years or more with just the right conditions.  They stress easily and this guy would pull his feathers out around his neck when he was with other finches.  I have had him in his own cage for years. I called it my hospital psych ward.
I first got him from a newer science teacher who did not want to deal with any birds in his classroom. He was concerned about germs from them.  I know from my school yearbooks that the bird was around 16 years as the teacher who originally owned them and left them behind , was teaching back in 2002.

I snagged a shot from the internet to show you what he looked like.  He was a male and would crow to identify his territory.  He also crowed to warn you that you were too close to him.  He was supplied with water everyday for baths as he loved to splash around. I won’t be getting any more finches but I really did have a long run with some and especially this one.

I worked on the house again today after a long break. I did get a lot of things done but I won’’t be done until one more work session. Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about your bird...what a beautiful guy! Hope your project keeps moving along and you don't get too tired :)
