Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Middle of the Week....Many Things.

Barney rests up for his next time he gets to go outside. He likes sleeping under things like this table. The older he gets the more times I have taken him out. He doesn’t get exercise if I don’t It also makes his life a lot more exciting.  If he had some grandkids hanging around he would be seeking places to hide.

My inside garden seems to be doing well downstairs.  They didn’t really get bothered by the move inside. They do like the light from those two windows.
My last year's poinsettia is showing off by putting out red leaves. I had the plant outside for the summer and then just brought it inside keeping it in the light.  I am working hard to not over water nor under water it, to keep it staying good. I don’t know anything about the schedule dark and light exposures that are needed. I guess the basement just had the right conditions for it turn color.
While wandering in the store room today with my camera I caught a shot of this desk. It will be restored sometime in my lifetime.  I don’t have it on a list right now.  I was thinking that the last time I had a desk like this was when I was in 6th grade. I think that it was 1962. It has pieces that need to be glued together and I might mess with the finish just a little.
I was digging through some boxes, looking for toys for the grandsons over the Thanksgiving weekend.  I found these finger puppets in one catch-all box.  I think Ernie is still somewhere in the box. The son that just turned 43 years old on Monday was the owner of these puppets and he loved Sesame Street. His little fingers fit into them back then but now he would have a hard time putting an finger inside of them. I am going to put them inside my antique toy cupboard now.
The younger son who will turn 40 in January was the owner of this guy.  He got it as a gift when he was about to grow out of having stuffed animals. I think the character was based on a Disney movie character called  “Fievel”.  He was a mouse.

Our weather is better today as it warms up during the day.  We are closer to normal temps for winter and we keep missing snow.  I wish you all to have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. We had those desks in 5th and 6th grade:) Hiya Barney! Good to see his photo. Pat him for me! :)
