Tuesday, December 11, 2018

It Takes a Village........Not!

The temporary lineup of the village is on the ledge. I did this last year and it helped to place them in order by size. We have smaller scaled houses and the major size is the middle of the line group.  One really doesn’t notice the scale differences when the sit by each other but it just helps  to group them.

The largest group of them has a church that can be with them.   I never noticed as to how badly the window lines have been painted on this house. The next size down also has a church that can be placed with them also. I did count them all  and there are now 13 in total of the village pieces.  I picked up a cheap one at a thrift store this summer and we bought a new one last winter.
The barn was a gift from our oldest son.  He picked it up from a garage sale along his way in the Arlington Heights, area in Illinois.

Some of the village are stores.  We don’t really want specific store representations but a bakery or a candy store is alright. I think if things go well we will get some of these in there proper place in the living room and dining room.

We are going to warm up a bit today making it a nicer day for being outside. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My goodness that it lots of unpacking! You are making progress! :)

  2. Thanks, Larry, for your comment on our village and trains. I'll be looking forward to seeing yours when it's set up. Grenville did all the work of setting up our village which is the New England one from Dept 56 that ironically he started when we were living in NJ and now we are in NH so it is very appropriate. This year, he's added a train station which was bought on ebay and should arrive by later this week. I am always checking thrift stores for small people to add to the village.
