Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday's Moments........

Bloom number three should be open by the end of the day. The colors of this amaryllis is so great to see.

The guy is selling flowers to the little girl.  He has stopped the horse in the street and waits as he sells his flowers.

We did get the villages completely set up and the boxes are moved back down stairs. We really have enjoyed the villages.  I along with my wife, keep moving piece around as we pass by the whole scene.

Sleigh bells ring as the horse pulls a carriage or sleigh.  The jingle sound is recreated often by orchestras but the real sound is a deeper, richer sound as the brass bells are shaken up and down as the horses prance down the road.

We received two photos from our oldest son today in his email.  One photo  was of the works of he and his son’s creation of gingerbread houses. Also along with that picture was one of our new grandchild in the womb. The birth is over four mouths away and we will be excited to see if it is a boy or a girl.

My wife and I were out shopping today buying presents for the family members who live far away.  We don’t have the energy at this time to get them wrapped and in the mail but maybe tomorrow something can be shipped.  We are having a warmer day today and it is really nice to have.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You have such pretty village pieces. I love that flower seller. I didn't put up ours this year, and no one seems to even notice! I did put up the odd assortment of things my parents bought in 1969 in Barcelona. It isn't a classy display, it includes the Catalonian "caganer." If you are unfamiliar with that nativity character, I'll let you research him! Not classy, but makes sense, as even during such a special time, life goes on as always.
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. I am excited to find out if you will get a boy or a girl grand! I understand about the shopping fatigue and people are out there shopping so everything takes longer. I enjoyed seeing your village. :)

  3. Our village is also set up and last week I found a few more small figures that were perfect to add, including a choir for the church and a couoke seated on a park bench for the town square. We also move the figures around when we pass by the display.
