Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday’s Tidbits.......

We are getting some things done for Christmas.  We have some gifts for my wife’s friend and she is going to feed us a meal today at her place. She, having no family, gives us an opportunity to share gifs for her Christmas morning. We also have a box of gifts ready to ship to our kids in Maine.

I wrote a Christmas letter for our cards last evening. I have already decided that I don’t like it and will trash it. I am thinking I will create a collage of photos of us and the grandkids.  I decided I  could have written, we didn’t do great things for all to see this year.   We did survive the year and we are grateful for Christmas blessings.  I started to think the letter I had written was the same as last years anyway.

I have some great moon shots from last night and  I promised on the photo blog that I would cut down on the moon shots. Here is the amaryllis putting out another bloom, making it to be four open now.  I am hoping the first blooms don’t go into decline until all buds are open.

I thank you for stopping by today.  Everyone take care.

1 comment:

  1. Someone wraps a beautiful package! Good luck with your new version of your letter:)
