Saturday, December 8, 2018

Saturday Evening Post......

This is the ornament on our big tree that is a memorial for our white, small dog Button.  He has been gone two years ago in September.

Our big tree seems to be overloaded but that is ok. I added the new shiny brites to this tree and I did have to find some narrow open spots to hang them.

 Looking through the railing one can see the nutcrackers that I finally found. The were covered with plastic bags and they were the only things sitting on the shelf. I was looking too hard I guess. I will retake the photo when the three can be seen in full view.

I forgot to display these last Christmas but I did find them on my shelf in the workshop.  I dusted them off a lot and they made it to the stairway rail ledge so far. The older shiny brites and one other older brand of ornament are in the jars. The torpedo jar shape seem to be appropriate for holding them. The jars are older than the ornaments but by only 10 yeas or so.

Barney heads down the yard at the front of our house.  He gets to go leash free these days as I decided he was spending more time reacting that he was tethered and then was not doing his business as much as he should.  He goes out a lot more now that it is free run for him. Free run really means he can hobble around where ever he wants with me by his side.  He uses me as guide as he can’t see much. His nose is also his guide as he knows the parts of the yard and where the fire hydrant is located.  I stay pretty close and walk between him and the road always and I stand at the border of our yards to discourage him from going into a neighbor’s yard.

I am late blogging today but I think a lot of you don’t read on the weekend much. The stats show that people catchup remind on Monday.  If you are reading right now, have a great weekend.  Thanks to all for stopping by whenever you do.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Barney can still hear a little, it is hard to watch old dogs grow older. Pat Barney for me. I remember your Button ornament...he was a good dog too:)
