Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sunday Afternoon.......

My wife took these photos for me as I was working with the dog in the front yard.  I knew the color would be gone before I touched a camera. This is what I saw in the front yard with Barney this morning.

It looked like this on the back deck. My wife did a great job capturing it for me.  I never saw this as it was all gone by the time Barney was done in the front yard.

The sleighs and santas are out but really haven’t been place anywhere purposely. The older wooden sleigh was made by my wife’s grandfather .

We have a new amaryllis growing in the dining room. The one that just finished blooming died instantly so this new one came from Ace Hardware.  It had started growing already so it has some kinks to get out of its stem. It is straighter already from when I took this photo. This one will be bright red. I see leaves are already starting to develop and the bulb will only have one stem apparently. It is fun to watch them as the grow up and out immediately when they are exposed to light.

The junco birds are enjoying the new feeder. I have seen a very red house finch recently but don’t have the photos to prove it.  I am hoping that I can be at the right place at the right time to get one today. We are having a warmer day today but it is still cold.  The frost is thick in the morning and grass crunches under footsteps.

It is Sunday and I hope everyone is having a good day.  Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty sky! The sunsets happen so fast this time of year . Why is it the Juncos that visit our yard are only ground feeders??
