Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sunday’s a Go......

The main tree is completed.  We are sort of numb now after all of that work.  A couple of minor trees are left to do but that may not happen for a few days. We have had snow all morning and it looked great seeing the tree with snow falling in the background.

Barney was glad that we were done and that we  had the floor all cleared.  He actually is laying here in front of the sound system listening to the Christmas music. He really can’t see well but he does seem to know that things are cleared and he has walking room. His coat is looking good with all the rainwater and snow that has helps to clean it. The soft water has always been good for his hair. For health reasons he gets to go outside every two or three hours all day.  I get rinsed off too with the outside duty.

In the behind scenes, Barney has slowed down so much.  If I am around he would depend on me help pull him up from the floor. He can get up but not without some struggle. His walk is not a normal walk but he does move around on his own.

This is Barney’s ornament is on the tree.  It isn’t a perfect match but a mild resemblance.

We had a cat named Yellow Kitty. This ornament was purchased to be here  ornament now as a memorial one. She has been gone four years or more. We had her for such a long time and it is nice to have this one to remember her by. Some of our ornaments do make us sad as we remember people who have passed or pets we have loss. The bright colors and lights are still a thrill to be looking at as we work.

The last two trees to be put up have these kind of ornaments on them.  All the smaller ones go on a smaller tree and the larger glass blown one will go on a six foot tree in the spare bedroom window.  That window faces the road.

Our snow stopped for a while and I can now see it has started up again.  We live on aline that keeps up with minor weather compared to the counties north of us.  They are getting a lot of snow.  We seem to be getting a little snow or rain while the counties south of us are only getting rain.  I wish you all to have a great rest of a weekend.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Your tree is a beauty! Poor old Barney, I know how hard it is to care for an ageing dog. Pat him on the head for me....maybe he will run with Chance someday. We miss our old friend...but imagining him running is a good thought! :)
