Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Missed a Day......

I don’t know what I was doing that kept me from remembering to blog on Monday. I bet some people did miss me and others didn’t notice. I do know I was busy doing things but I usually stop for the afternoon to check on my one Photo a Day blog.  But I guess I didn’t realize that I had not done the Creative Zone.

Our mantle has been filled with all the same things as we had on the mantle at the old place. I keep bringing up boxes and discover what it is that I have to put out when I open the lid.  I will mark that box better this year.

I have lost the flue and the horn that two of the angels are suppose to be playing.  I bet I can find them in the bottom of the box.

Santa has found his place under the tree. I like his outfit and corder for a belt. The bag of toys isn’t so easy to see in this photo.
We have never  had and an elf on the shelf.  I guess we do have an angel on the ledge.  My wife kept trying to find a place for it and last night she found a ledge.  I guess I could move it each day and tell a story about it.  Don’t be holding your breath for that though. I sort of enjoy a couple of Facebook people who do the elf thing with their kids. One of my former high school students is up to five children and it is fun two watch him hide their elf each day.

My wife decided to move this collection to the bookcase. She was going to put the village on the bookshelf and instead the village will go here.  I guess when we have lived here for a longer number of years we will get the rut established a place everything the same place every single time.

I have never blown a fuse in a set of lights before.  Yesterday the one strand of bubble lights went dead.  I pulled out the fuse and I did find a new fuse at the Menards.  I bought another set of bubble lights too, just because I could.  It was good shopping there this morning as the crowd was slim.  I do not like how the stock people can figure out how to block every aisle as they load the shelves. I was looking for an item and I had to go down three aisle to get around all that they were doing and come back to what I was looking for. The grocery store was not so crowded which was good for them as I buy a whole lot more when it isn’t crowed.

As I close down this post I can see it is snowing outside.  We do need some on the ground and with it being extremely cold I will stay put for now.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You found some Bubble Lights good for you! You are looking real festive! :)
