Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday’s Wandering...

The morning view seems simple and cold with a clear sky.  It has been cloudy for many mornings the past days.

Earlier in the morning the moon is shown and the big star which really is Mars. The dog had me out early this morning and I witnessed a view of the moon that I don’t believe in my 68 years have ever seen in that phase.

The sliver and condition of the light didn’t allow me to get a clear focused shot. The simple shapes show somewhat was really being seen.

But then the camera gave me a double image because I wasn’t using a tripod.  My gradual movement with the lens open gave me this wonderful shot.

The new box of shiny brites has some familiar shapes like the bell shape but these others are older shapes of the past that I do not recognize. They are yet not hung but they will be added today sometime.

The decorations are almost on the trees and the time to rest and enjoy what we have done.  The memories of Christmas past always show up as we decorate and in many ways it is a process of remembering all in our past.

I spent some time this morning with an older neighbor in our older neighborhood.  I enjoyed seeing her new puppy and seeing pictures of her grandkids.  Her birthday was yesterday and she became79 years old.  She said she was looking forward to a grand birthday party that she was having next year, hinting that to her kids.  I would like to go to her 80th birthday party. We gave candied almonds, her favorite candy, and an amaryllis for her this year’s birthday.

Thank you for stopping by today.

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