Friday, January 4, 2019

I do like Fruitcake....

This is a two year old photo of a wonderful fruitcake.  I had forgotten that I was able to buy it last  at the supermarket at that time.  Unfortunately I did not see this for sale anywhere this season. I did not eat any fruitcake and now will have to wait another whole year.  I am sure some of you out there could care less about this subject.

Our old mantel at the old place was not decorated this year.  It was a great place to live back then and now we live in a better place.

We have missed going to the bookstore for a couple of weeks.  I think we should be able to get away tomorrow to go there.

We have warm weather right now and we are just going to appreciate it.  We took my wife’s friend to her doctor this morning and then to Hobby Lobby.  Afterwards we ate our at an Chinese Buffett.  It was a good morning and now we are resting.   Thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. My mother and I both always loved fruitcake. A funny memory....our late cat Kaboodle could smell the fruitcake through the cellophane and would beg for a bite - she loved it!!!!! lol
    We don't have a bookstore close but yours looks like a cozy place to enjoy an afternoon visit.
    It's nice to look back at your old place, but I'm thankful you both are so content in your new home. So convenient to everything you love and enjoy.
    I imagine Hobby Lobby has out Valentines by now.

  2. Hi Larry, I know some people are fruitcake connoisseurs, I like just one slice then I am good for another year. Aloha...warm weather here and we are loving it!

  3. It’s been many years since I have had fruitcake and can’t even recall seeing it anywhere. This year we tried the Italian Panetone cake and really enjoyed it, so it will be on outpr holiday treats list from now on. That said, I did like fruitcake depending on the cake.
