Saturday, January 5, 2019

Santa Klaus Again........

I am old enough to remember the Coca Cola ads at Christmas with Santa being the main theme.  He would have a bottle of coke in his hand in most ads.  This ornament isn’t an ad but it sure seems to be duplicating that history. The age of the top wire clip makes it an older ornament.  My wife brought that with her to the ornament collection when we married back in 1984.  I think it was a family ornament.

In the past I was able to buy these dolls at Christmas time. My wife was gifted them each year and she likes to call it a Christmas doll because of its colors of clothes. Victorian styled dolls stopped being sold about ten years ago. Some dolls will head to the closest for the year while others will remain on shelves as decorations with antique times.
I took down the lights on my garden ledge a few days ago.  I may be sending this guy and his partner to the basement soon.  The spikes to hold them in the ground will maybe loosen up enough that I can get them pulled out of the ground today.

A lot of the lights burned out on the female deer so I need to wrap new lights on her before I can put her out next year. The snow we had was so scant that the deer never did appear to be standing ousting in the snow.
The kids from Illinois send us a box of fruit each Christmas.  We have four of them left now and I had to refrigerate them as they have become too ripe.  The are so good to eat in the wintertime.   The color of them is so great to see.  We never see them on sale at grocery stores as I suspect they are more fragile for shipping and displaying.

I will have more on this subject as shown at left on a later blog. My gazing ball broke in the winter weather about  eight years ago in and ice storm.  I could not find a true glass blown one to replace it as most on sale were plastic.  This is really blown glass.  It is the same color to replace the one that was gifted to me by my wife.  I was happy to find this at Hobby Lobby and of course they were fifty percent off.

We are off to the bookstore.  Weather has keep us home and our health too.  Today it will be 55 to 59 degrees by the end of the day.  It is a day where a winter coat seems ridiculous and yet it is needed.  Everyone have a great Saturday.  Rest and relax and stay safe. Thanks.....


  1. I remember your blue gazing ball and the creative photos you took with it. So happy you found another one! The pears look delicious. I love the Santa ornament and Della's Victorian doll. I hope you two enjoy your outing.

  2. I know it is 2 years later but do you know the brand and name of the color for the gazing ball? Someone just stole my mother's. My father gifted it to her for their 50th anniversary 10 years ago just before he passed away.

  3. To the unknown who wanted info on the gazing ball. I bought it at Hobby Lobby. They don't label the color of it but you have to go by sight. I looked for a long time to find that blue.
