Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday’s Mustered up Moments.......

It is cold out there while he eats up as much as he can. I guess this position helps to block some of the wind from a gusty day.

Sunday afternoon the day seemed a little strange.  The shot across the street looks cold and a is yellow looking too.  The house is now empty, across the street.  We missed them all with three dogs and two kids.  No more school bus visits in the morning while I am out with Barney.

My first shot of the moon looked like this. The haze over the moon was causing the light to distort into this glowing light.

I did finally get a focused shot but I just didn’t want to deal with a tripod with it being so extremely cold. I was glad that I didn’t know there was a moon eclipse going on or I would have frozen off all my fingers.

We have had so much cloudy weather that I didn’t see the moon change to this stage.  It just showed up a couple of days ago and we had cold clear skies the past two nights.

My wife used her new iPad to capture the old man at work.  I need to improve my technique in pushing the snow blower around.  My wife did take a movie of me but that seemed to be too much to share.

I ventured to the grocery store this morning to stock up on everything. We will be receiving another winter storm tomorrow with freezing rain and snow.  I think we need to warm up a bit before we can get any freezing rain.  I see right now that we will get up to 19 degrees F. as our high temperature. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. We got snow and it will turn cold again. We watched the moon last night out the kitchen window, too cold to go outside:)

  2. Love the moon shots. Wish we had a snow blower but at this point in our lives with as little snow as we have had the past few years, not sure it is worth the investment.

    I love that shot looking across your street.

  3. That squirrel looked like he was a bit cramped, but enjoying his feast and shelter, Larry. You did get a great moon shot even without the tripod. We also had snow but have no worries about getting out to clear it - a perk of apt living now. Hope you enjoyed some hot beverage after working outdoors.

  4. Wow, it looks so cold; I know that clearing the drive is hard work.
    That squirrel is cute! I did not realize you had a vacant home across from you. Hope you will get nice new neighbors.
