Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Yep.......it is time.

The mantle is emptied of all the Christmas things and the adding of things back to the spot will happen soon.  The print is already hung, crooked, and the grandsons’s photos are back up there. More will happen, as time goes by. The big tree should disappear in the next two days.

I had some down time this morning and put the time to good use. I completed the top part of my bird feeder. After attaching all the of top pieces to the bottom piece, I moved the feeder out into the open. Maybe  some wild birds will be attracted to it out from under the deck roof.  The feeder is nothing like my old feeder at the old place. The old one was named a Roman Coliseum by one of my British blog friends. This one is a lot less bulking and I think will be good anyway. I put two bricks on the bottom to add some stability.
The box is a symbol of storage of the past Christmas season.  I have better cases for the ornaments but this one will hold the lights and other stray things from the tree.

Our storm was over predicted if you know what I mean.  The kids were glad, as most of them are out school even though not much has happened yet.  I drove to the grocery store early morning to do one last errand and it was not so bad.  I can see if it ever really gets to be freezing that things could get difficult.

It is Tuesday and I hope everything is going well with you all.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Glad you made a safe trip to the store. The house always look a little bare when you first take down Christmas, and of course I miss the looks of the Christmas lights. I like your bird feeder. Hope you get a variety of visitors.

  2. I have slowly been getting rid of some Christmas stuff through the years...and have my ornaments in a big plastic tote. Have keep them there for years. This season, several of my favorites were broken...not sure why. Maybe just because they are so old.

    But, I have one box that I have used for probably 30-35 years...the same old box. Now it has stuff in it and I did not even get it down. I guess that is a sign I could get rid of most stuff in it.

  3. Your new feeder looks great! I thought of you today, it looked like you got some snow. We got a bunch:(

  4. Always a sad time to see all of the glitz and color returned to their storage boxes for another year.
    What a lovely feeder !
    Stay warm...
