Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday’s Sky..........

Monday morning view from the front yard. It sprinkled earlier but seems to be clearing of for now. The back deck is almost dry now. It is abnormally warm again today but that will correct itself soon.

The clouds are clear enough now that the jets coming in are staying higher in altitude before landing. Early morning I could hear a jet coming in but no way was I going to be able to see it.

The openings in the clouds are welcomed as the sun is shining through them.

One train that I haven’t shared this season is this won here.  There are bears everywhere riding on the train.  The little guy in front needs to be glued back on somewhere as he is dislodge from the train.  I don’t really know where I will need to glue him back but he is loose for now.

My wife bought this a few years back at a store that is now closed.  It was like a k-mart but was not of that name.  The decorations are coming down now a few at a time.  I removed wreaths yesterday and took them to the basement.  The dreaded task at rebooting and replacing things on the shelves has yet to happen.  I need to get a furnace guy in for a checkup so I will be forced to put some order back into the storage and shop area.
The bookstore that we like to visit is built on a hill like our house is and on Saturday there were vapor trails everywhere.  When were were home I could see them and after in the evening they were leaving more trails. The reflection in the neighbor’s windows shows that the same sky wrapped all around us.

 The leaning soldier is about to take a trip down stairs. He doesn’t get include in any display and gets place anywhere that there is an empty space.  This year he was under the tree.  It will be good to have a full week without a holiday stuck in the Tuesday.  By the end of the week I could decide what day that it really was.  The Saturday seemed like Sunday and we repeated it again on Sunday.

Our January is really mild right now but our worse winter weather can be in February going into March.  The temperatures fluctuating keeps us readjusting to drastic changes.  I was out with the dog this morning the second tie without a heavy coat.  A spring jacket was what I should have had.  The moisture is slim in amount but it still is helping green the grass.

Thanks for checking in on me today.  I hope all is well with everyone.


  1. We started taking down our holiday decorations this week too, Larry, and like you it’s a slow process as we are not in any hurry. The tree was undecorated today. The village will yake a coiple of days to put all the houses back in their original boxes and then into storage containers.
