Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday’s Things.....

The view is clear with distance clouds in the east. The sun is up and shining brightly now as I blog. The day is going to continually warm a bit to above freezing to the low 40s. It is unusual but it is normal weather in Iowa.

My wife’s new carousel has been created with many decorative parts. I had my tripod out yesterday just to see what I could find to photograph.

It has an overall appearance of a Victorian merry go round with all the scroll work and painted scenes in the above canopy. I purchased this in November before Thanksgiving because I  knew they would be sold out pretty quickly.  Within a couple of weeks they were sold out of them.  They were sold among the old village pieces.

I tried to photograph earlier but the item was twirling and playing music at the time. The lions are the only other kind of  animal among the hoses.

When I purchased it as a gift I really did not take it out of the box to see it. I didn’t really look that close at it over Christmas time but my wife loves it and likes to play all the Christmas tunes.  I noticed while taking photos that there is a cardinal bird on one of the panels.  The fake faceted stones do look like real stones and it is a fancy addition to the top piece.

The top piece represents what use to be a canvas top with decorations painted on them.  The rows of balls do represent the glass lightbulbs that made the merry go round so magical to see. In reality I don’t think they had that many lights but it is very decorative. Soon this will go into its box and began until next December.

Yesterday was the anniversary of my mom’s birth in 1919.  She has been gone for ten years now.  It was the only birthday after Christmas in our family for a long time.  It seemed strange that a birthday could be had so close to Christmas.  Now we have a daughter-in-law with a birthday a few days into January and our son has a birthday the 23rd.  I know people who have the Christmas birthday and I know they get not so much special treatment on their day.

The teddy bear tree is now down with everything taken to the basement.  Two containers of bears and the tree will not be dismantled.  I wrapped it in an old sheet and that works great to store it in the far end of the basement.

It is the second day of the week and things seem to be going smoothly so far.  Barney is in working on his major morning nap and my wife is working in her art studio.  I am finding lots of things to do and am glad to take a break to blog.   I hope all are well and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Such a pretty little carousel I enjoyed seeing it. Aloha!

  2. Taking down Christmas trees, and packing away things in the basement is a lot of work. My mom had a Dec. 2, 1929 birth and she passed away ten years ago also. Sister Karen has a Dec. 20 birthday - I really give her a hard time (as a child, I would ALWAYS wrap her bdy present in Christmas paper!)
    We had 2 absolutely gorgeous days but clouds, wind and cold are moving back in now. Hope you both and Barney have a pleasant evening.

  3. It sure is pretty...so well done. And love that sky.

  4. Larry, I was so hoping you would have captured the moon last nignt. A sliver of a crecent moon. Stunning! My camera is junk ( and I was missing it at the time, anyway.) But maybe we had a different view of it here in Wellman. Maybe you will post one later today. I do enjoy those Moon shots.

  5. The carousel was lovely to see, Larry, and glad to read how much your wife enjoys it. We also took down the holiday decorations this week, but were in no rush, so it was spread over a few days. The village takes the most time as pieces are stored in their boxes and then the boxes go into rubber containers, so Geenville does that part. I take down the tree decorations and other things we had around the apt. The ⛄️ Have taken up their winter residence outside our apt entry.
