Saturday, January 19, 2019

Skipping to Saturday.....

I really don’t know how I skipped Friday’s posting but I guess I was distracted. I did get this Toro up and running with little problems.  Human error kept causing me to not get it going but finally I remember to put the spark plug cap back on the plug.  It started right away.  I used this today for the first time experience for me.  It worked well but I kept having nuts vibrate off of things.  The nut that keep the handles tight after they have been folded back, fell off right away.  I found it and returned it to the handle assembly. The nut and washer that held the blower tube in position also fell off and I had to go retrieve another one from the basement, two trips, to get one to hold it it in place.  Without  it not there, the snow blows straight up like a volcano. After those two fixes, I am then off blowing snow.  Being the first time doing it,  I bet I looked pretty silly.  I haven’t got the process of patterns when pushing it up and down the driveway.  I really like to use the snowblower.  People aren’t revealing how much fun it is to use one.

The new feeder is not complete.  I am going to put a flat roof over it to keep all the snow from covering up the seeds.  I did have it in the yard but placed it under the patio for now as I could see the five inch snow covering up what I put out there in the way of seed. It is setting below the deck for now. All scrap wood was used and used nails where used until I ran out of them.  I have plenty of them at the old place.

This is the view looking down from the living room. I probably could get a close up of a red bird but I also could walk downstairs and take a shot through the sliding glass door down there. When I move it out into the yard it will bring in lots of birds.

The begonia is doing well downstairs.  I thought this was an angel wing begonia but I now see that it is not by its leaf shape.

It is nice to have them blooming through out the winter.  I always think of my Aunt Eva, who had dozens of begonias in her garden surround her back door.  They were so big and so many of them.

It was windy this morning when I took Barney outside.  It is cold enough to get frost burn so I stood with my back to the wind. It has calmed down a little now but I did have snow blowing in my face as I used the snow blower.

Everyone have a good weekend and stay safe and warm. Thanks for checking in on me.


  1. Thankful you got the snowblower working. John had lots of experience with them growing up in MI! You and Barney be careful when you are out during this bad weather. The begonia is so pretty - fun memories of your Aunt's begonias.

  2. I sometimes wish I had a snow blower, but with as little snow as we had the previous few years, I wonder just how much it would get used. But sure handy when you need it.

  3. Glad you got your snow blower going. We bought a power shovel last summer and it works is electric! So I cannot go far from the house or the garage:) Bitterly cold here now:(
