Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday’s Things........

Antique corner in our downstairs shows many old pieces .  Our old house was an old farmhouse and these kind of things fit in well to an old house full of many old rooms.  The group doesn’t really have a place to fit in on the main new floor.  I saw on a show once that the four legged table was called a turkey leg table.  The legs do have a lot of groves that remind one of a turkey’s leg. The chair use to be an old wash house chair and the different stoneware things are from old. My mom used the white bowl to  stirrup dough for bread.

Barney could see out the windows in our new living room when we first moved in a coulee of years ago. This is a photo from when we first moved.  His eyesight keeps failing and I don’t think he sees far enough to look out our window. For some reason though he can see across the street people walking their little dogs.

This is an archived photo of what we  could see out our dining room window at the old place. I am rethinking the idea of making a new tray feeder to try to bring in the cardinals.  I certainly have plenty of scrap wood to make one.

An archived photo of cookies that I really like to eat.  I haven’t bought any for a very long time and that is best for my health not to buy any. We didn’t have grandkids around this Christmas so we didn’t do cookie buying.  I think that some of these would be sent him to the boys and parents.

It is Thursday and we are ready for the storm.  Saturday and Sunday will be bad days for us.  I heard them mention that wind chills being  around -26 degrees F. It is unbearable when we get such strong winds.  I have the beginnings of a tray feeder for the backyard.  It will be freestanding and maybe a covered tray.  Scrap wood is being used.  Thank your for stopping by today.


  1. That's a nice grouping of antique items. Interesting about the legs on the table. Funny how dogs like to "patrol" the area in front of "their" houses! We love shortbread type cookies with coffee but like you, we try not to buy them these days. I dread the bitter cold weather for you. Take care.

  2. we will also be getting snow this weekend, Larry, although it's not supposed to be really bad until late Saturday and Sunday. We will be indoors and thankfully no worries about having to dig out or shovel off our vehicles. It's one of the reasons we like this apt living now after so many years of snow shoveling and car clearing off when we lived in NJ and also VA when it snowed a few times!

  3. I love the table/love that spot. I love cardinals, too, but have quit feeding the birds because starlings flock in and get it all. I waited a long time, and tried it again, thinking I had not noticed any starlings for a while. But there they came...the will clean out the feeder in short order.

  4. I have that same bowl but mine is a grey color! I love your table with it's legs. I don't adhere to any style I just keep stuff I like...some call it Early Junk style:) Hope you build a feeder that gets Cardinals!

  5. Oh yes stay warm...we are real cold up here:(
