Sunday, January 27, 2019

Such Things for Sunday.....

Two dogs are being walked in the neighborhood. I am looking down the street through my front storm window. The one dog that is running free has walked by out house many times. The woman must be sitting with someone else’s dog or she has a new one.

  The dogs were having a great time.  The Austrian shepherd dog is not being controlled on its leash so he is really rolling around in the snow.

This guy had either been released from the owner or he had pulled away from her.  They both were really having a great time.

Bird activity has increased but it still seems slow compared to the years past of my bird feeding experiences.

There is a pause in our winter weather but we still hover at the minus numbers this morning.  Colder air is on its way and we will just keep the furnace pumping warm air inside. Thanks for stopping by this Sunday day.


  1. Wow !! Such a beautiful red bird !! It would be great to see such a handsome bird in my garden !

  2. Such pretty birds. There are no cardinals where I live, so I have to be happy to see them in other's photos!
    I love watching snow-loving dogs in the snow! That Aussie has such beautiful colors, that vivid orange face stands out like the cardinal!

  3. Fun shots of the dogs having a great time! Wow, it looks so cold. As always, I love the pretty bird pictures. The details are amazing.

  4. What a beautiful Cardinal! Cute dogs in your neighborhood! Stay warm!
