Saturday, January 26, 2019

Snowy and Downey Day........

It is a cold day with heavy snow coming down.  My suet cake has been lonely out there and there came one woodpecker.  The downey really tears into it as he must be hungry. That red topnotch is so great to see as he boobs his head in and out to the suet.

When I try capture snow falling, it can be difficult to do.  Today the snow is so heavy that I can’t miss getting it done. We are going to be treated to some colder weather than normal starting next week. The vortex has shifted and it already is bleeding Canada and Minnesota. We will be kept inside for quite a few days.  I do think the heavy snow has made the birds to get out and find food.

The child’s play house did loose more snow off of its roof yesterday but I am sure it will be covered again after today. They neighbor guy never did get his windows installed. I am sure he intends to do so as their is play furniture inside of the house.

I rarely see the  rabbit but his trail in the snow indicates he has been over to get fallen seed from the feeders. Many birds land in the blue spruce tree for shelter. Many times they enter from the bottom of the tree.

I was thinking that the junco was a friendly bird to the sparrows.  They are not that friendly today as they compete for food they are chasing ant one another.  You cans see here that they are staying on opposites side of the tray.  I will share a shot tomorrow of a big red bird that has been feeing here this morning. I hope his mate shows up sometime today.  I am going to have to wade through snow today in the back yard and also on the deck. I may shovel the deck so I won’t track snow into the dining room.

We are home for the day.  It makes it a change in routine for us as Saturdays we do try to get out and go.  I did the grocery store yesterday to get a cart full of food.  We are stocked up enough to survive the storm that is headed here soon.  If there isn’t snow will be horrid wind chill weather.  Barney and me will be out there though in spite of hail, snow, wind, or rain.  We are winter weather warriors.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The snow we received in last weekend's storm (about 8 inches) is all gone from locval roadways and sidewalks, except for large piles in parking lots. We had a mid-week day of temps in the 50s followed by downpours all day Thursday. Hope you don't get a lot of snow, but it sounds like you are prepared, Larry. That was a good shot of the downy woodpecker.

  2. Yes, you and Barney are definitely warriors! Thankful you could get out to stock up on groceries. It does get boring to be stuck indoors due to bad weather. God bless you.

  3. I agree warriors for sure! When Miss Miney was here she just went outside and laid down. Luckily we didn't have to help her up, she has Chance's harness now:) Stay warm!

  4. Thank you for feeding birds in the winter! They need our help!
    Beautiful photos !
    Have a happy weekend !
