Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday PM.......

Snow has stopped and the day s a bright one.  The neighbors trees are coated and the fence has its build up of the day before.

This seems to be the amount of snow that came down.  It seems to be a decent amount to usher us into a real winter season.  We were up late this morning and I discovered some nice person finished my driveway.  I had partially scooped the walk and the drive but they completed it.  Our bedroom is the opposite end of the garage so it is possible that we would not have heard them.

I have a snowblower but I couldn’t get it started.  I am going to buy a new spark plug for it and I think it will run.  My son pulled it off a neighbors junk pile in his home town and brought it to me this past summer. It is a Toro so it will start. I was glad to have someone help me out but I am not sure who it was.

I am getting more birds at the feeder but the variety of kinds is not great.  The sparrows and juncos are doing well.  I have the red colored bird again which I can not decide if it is a purple finch or house finch.  I will have to get a photo of them and then check the net. I like that I could capture to snow it the photo.

I seems to be a true winter with the bone chilling cold that comes from the snow on the ground .  The roads to church were good but there were some problem areas in which I had to creep through with the car.

The news reported a lot of accidents yesterday on the heavily traveled roads.  We just didn’t go out so that we would face any of the bad conditions.

I thank you all for stopping by today.  Have a great rest of the day.


  1. Good Evening, How kind of someone to help out with your drive. I'm thankful you did not get out yesterday. Glad you made it safely to church today. It looks so pretty there, but oh, so cold. Keep us posted about your bird visitors.

  2. You got a good amount of snow! What a nice neighbor you have!
