Saturday, January 12, 2019

Saturday’s a Snow Day........

We have had heavier snowfalls but this is going to be a good one that will be easy to measure. The backyard scene is getting whiter and whiter as the day goes on.

The junco was digging down into the snow to get seed.  I decided to help out all the birdsbc dumping a pile right in the middle.  I was researching things about the birds and they are warm blooded.  What is unique for birds is their ability to send all the energy from their food to supply heat to their blood streams.  That explains why the birds all head to the feeders when it snowing and cold.  I did have a large flock of birds out there earlier but they are taking a break right now from my feeders.
This feeder is open on the opposite side.  It really is snowed in on the south side. The snow continues and I am waiting a while to attack the sidewalks.  I do have a snow blower and need to learn how to start it.  I know the steps and it is an electrically designed for me to plug it in to get a first start. I watch a neighbor clear his drive and sidewalk while I was out with Barney for the second this morning.   I think he will be snowed in again as it is coming down at a heavy pace right now.

We didn’t venture to the bookstore today as pictures like this were on the television screen. I don’t think this one was locally but it is a great example what might happen this day.

Old Blue my tree holds a lot of birds and is now collecting snow.  It is the kind of snow that is building up on the branches. Sometime is just melts off but not today. I think the rabbit lives under the tree.  I see him rarely in the front yard looking for things to eat in the front yard flower beds.  I know he is there as Barney can smell that his has been in the old peony bed.  He has to sniff it out to see where the rabbit has been.  I have once seen the furry rabbit friend take off at great speed away from the area and head back down the hill. The blue spruce didn’t grow out cones at the top this year.  Maybe they don’t do that on a yearly cycle as it did take a year for the cones to drop.  Maybe it is a longer cycle that I know about the spruce tree.

I took a photo of my rock collection on the garden ledge.  The former owners dumped their collection into the rock covered rose garden area next to the house when they moved. I had sorted them out as they were polished. One summer  my grandson was bothered by them and tossed them all back into the rock masses.  Whenever I see them I pick them back out of the area as I work with pruning the roses. It looks like a good project to put them into a bonsai planting.   Did I mention that they are covered with snow right now.

Thank you for checking in at the blog today.  I wish you all to have a great weekend.


  1. Your yard looks so beautiful in snow! That feeling doesn't last though, as winter goes on and on. So far, and cross my fingers, or spit over my shoulder, or whatever might help, we have not had snow this January. We aren't supposed to, but for the past two years have, and last year was too much! We aren't prepared, and I don't mean just my family, I mean the entire city.
    Today is sunny and will be nearly 60. Not good for the already budding bulbs!

  2. That tree of yours is so pretty with the fresh fallen snow. I know the birds appreciate the extra seeds. Highs here are mid 30's with rain. Hope we won't get sleet. You all stay safe.

  3. You got snow! Your Blue Spruce looks so pretty!
