Saturday, February 9, 2019

Barn Bus the Dog....Barney

A neighbor girl called Barnabas, Barn Dog, because that is what she heard or understood.  The little girl is married now living in Texas with two cute young boys. . Banners here is in the new house among packed boxes.   We lost Barney this morning at 8:00.  He has left huge holes in our hearts that will never be repaired. We think he lived to be 15 years old.  He was a rescued dog from the streets from a small-town in Missouri.

He was the tan color of a litter of black and white puppies.  His genetics is true with certain two kinds of parents.

Barney didn’t  like his photo to be taken and always turned his head when he saw a camera. He was able to enjoy two years in the new house and it did suit him well.  He came for a visit right before we moved and he had a attitude when we visit.  He did grow the like the new place and also the front yard.

We had a rough past week with Barney going into decline starting on the Sunday night.  I did not go to the funeral on Monday as he needed adaptations to his going outside. I had to do them and I was not too successful with that..  His decline in walking ,eating and the general old dog stuff got to be very complicated. I won’t share things immediately but as time goes by my wife and I learned a lot about the last days of a dog, and I want to share them.  I only learned them by the experiences with Barney. They are things that we would have done so much differently.  This photo is one of the recent shots of him.  He is laying on the line between our living room and dining room.

We both are suffering from the physical loss and great emotional loss of Barney.  We had him this 15 years and always had him involved with everything we would do. The house is so empty now.  Hey thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I am so sorry. I know you did your best to make him comfortable. It is hard to take care of elderly dogs. We are still grieving for Chance so I understand what you are going through, my heart aches for you. I won't tell you it will get better with time, cause we don't think it is easy at all.
    Take satisfaction that he had 15 good years with you, he had the best home possible and lived a good life what more can a dog ask for but to be well fed, warm and a safe place to sleep and to be loved. He was one lucky dog! Thank you for sharing him on your blog over the years. Sending you and Della a hug. Be kind to yourselves.

  2. My condolences to you and your wife, Larry, on the loss of your beloved Barney. Like many others, I have also lost belived pets from childhood to adulthood. I’m sure that you will also be remembering the many happy times shared with Barney.

  3. I am so sorry. He was a beautiful dog, and I loved seeing the photos you shared of him, that he allowed you to take!
