Thursday, February 7, 2019

Junco City......Flock

This is the only junco that was brave enough to look towards the camera. He was trying to find loose seed under the snow on the deck.

We had melted all of that snow off and now there is a coat of ice crystals and now snow again. The wind is blowing the snow around making it look more like a blizzard.

This is what it looks like when they dig down into the snow.  The seeds are from the feeder on the rail of the deck.

Here is one of the lighter gray junco birds. There are many of them out there during the blowing snow time.

The camera actually focused on the snow falling and not the birds.  I don’t think I have ever noticed that happening before.  You can see all the patterns of different directions that the snow was moving in the air.

I was out clearing our front steps this afternoon and discovered this perfect coating of white under the snow.  The ice sleet from yesterday formed into a perfect white smooth surface under snow.  I could push the shovel around on top of it and not get it off of the sidewalk. This of course makes a perfect white layer of ice to slide around on and maybe even fall.  Thanks for checking in on this spot today.


  1. Sweet birds. Fun to see the snow flying in different directions. Oh a fall on ice is terrible. Do be careful.

  2. Beautifully sweet pictures of the snow birds, and the snow effects!

  3. Be careful when you go outside! We have lots of Pine Siskins eating Thistle seed. I hope you are staying warm:)

  4. Not seeing anything from you for the past few days. Sending good thoughts your way. Hoping all is well, but am concerned that it is Barney... hard to have old dogs.
